Lectures ESSO

1 - Welcome and introduction

2 - Artificial Intelligence: what, how, when, where, why?

Introduction to AI

3 - The perspective of a radiologist

4 - The perspective of a breast surgeon

5 - Introduction to Python, Jupyter, and Google Colab

Open In Colab

6 - Datasets, and best practices to train AI models

Open In Colab

7 - Exercises (Python, Jupyter, and Google Colab)

Part I:

Open In Colab

Part II:

Open In Colab

8 - AI in Medical Imaging - DICOM, data curation, and tools for AI

AI in Medical Imaging

9 - Exercises (ML on tabular data and DL in Medical Imaging)

Part I - ML Exercise: Open In Colab

Part II - DL Exercise: Open In Colab

10 - Success stories of AI in Medicine

11 - Introduction to 3D slicer + Creating 3D digital patient/organ-specific models for surgical planning

12 - Virtual and Augmented Reality hands-on

13 - Success stories of AI in Medicine - II Breast cancer surgical metaverse

14 - Exercises????